Family and social structure–James

I think the Dutch undergraduate students’ daily life will be more relax but hectic than my study abraod life in U.S.A. I searched a student’s blog who study in Netherlands, his name is James. Normally, he like get up at 8am every weekdays’ morning, reading the newspaper when haing the breakfast. 

Image James’ calss often begin aroun 10 or 10:30am and end at 12 or 12:30pm,his major is English and history, so he needs a ton of time to read hia historical or classical books. Here, it dose not like my American study life, on Monday, wensday or Friday, my class is begin at 9:30 or sometimes 8:45am, on Tuesday or thursday, i need to work study at College Theatre by 9:00am.

During the noon, especially after lunch, James will take a nap, he needs to rest before the afternoon class begin, however, it depends, three days a week, James do not have afternoon class. At these more relax afternoon, he usually find a Cafe and chat whith a few friends. Form me, I need to study or practice violin even I do not have class in the afternoon, normally, I will go to the library to do my homework or review.

James used to have dinner from 5 or 5:30pm to 7 or 7:30pm. After dinner, using his words, he will play “experimental gaming (bonus points to those who know what that is)” or go to the bar(we can guess for waht) hang out with friends until late night, then back to his own apertment to go to sleep.

Other thins which James still interesting are photogaphy, dringking tea and outdoor activities(especially bicycle).  H ethink the most exciting event during a week is the club night every Friday night, he and his friends will particpate one of Amsterdam’s famous club, diffrent clubs every week.

I think Netherldans, especially Amsterdam has an advansed and convenience public transportation system. It has four subway line, two railroad(Europass & Benelux) trains and so many public bus lines. Still, Amsterdam has canal bus, it is a good choice if people want to go to work fast but also can enjoy the beautiful scene.

James describes that people in Netherlands are very kind, they do not like using flowers language, they always a little honesty, or frankly, but do not including and kind of critical meaning. If a Dutch point out that there is leaves wedged between your teeth, he or she only wants to help you perform more perfectly but not laugh to you.

James wants to go to work after he got the bachelor degree, he do not stress himself so heavy, maybe he will back to campus to get the master degree after he worked two or three years.






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