Reflection p158

I think my study abroad experience will help me to accumulate more life experience, especially the cross-cultural communication.

Yes, I think so. I will try to adjust the emotion and behavior to “in sync” the re-entry.

Yes, of course. After I am study abroad again, I will obtain more cultural elements, knowledges of my host country. Making new friends, gaining new knowledges.



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Reflection p128

 The 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9 is my style. I circled 4 high-context and 6 low-context.

When I am chating woth somebody, he or she may ask me that if I want a cup of coffee. He or she wants me to stop this topic, but I do not understand his or her meaning.

Yes, there is more emphasis on high-context communication. I think my host country will be more low-context compare with my home country. Which means the communite between people and me will be easier, because the expression of people is more honesty. The voice of talking may can be louder.


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Reflection p96

Because Kurt’s comment is very useful to both the cultural euphoria and cultural adaptation. It is explains the  method to deal with the “honeymoon stage” and the stage of cultural adaptation.

The food, scene, people’s behavou of the host country can impact the impression of international students of this country.

If it is only two month, the U curve should be the first hlf part of the U curve on text book. If one year, the U curve will be similar to the text book’s U curve.

First is more excited, but after stay a little longer time, I will find more unsatisified things which may impact my emotioan.

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Reflection p82

I will ask my friends or the students in the same host school, maybe to ask the police and those emergency contacts. I will call the police.

I will respect all of these sexual activities if they are not offend me.

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Reflection p73

I agree German comments about American’s patriotic. Yes, Americans are very patriotic, sometimes they even “nationalistic”. After I am studying abroad in U.S.A one and half years, I think Americans believe their country is the best country all over the world, that is why few of them want try to control this world, even sometimes what they did is not justice.

I will agree all the right and objectve responses but not those subjective responses. Because I think people have the freedom of think and speaking.

I think it might because the different along the culture of different regions in America.

My opinion of Americans is very similar to those answers above.

How long or how deep those international students communicate with Americans.

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Reflection P 70

Almost same. Only in the part of monochronic time, I do not think that we should make the most of my time, I need at least 2 hours for my free dominate time every day.

Only the monochronic time portion different, others are same.

The population of my country is huge, therefore we face more competitions than Americans does, which make me more endeavor.

The sentence of “There are only 24 hours in a day. Make every minute count.” I do not think that I need to make all my 24 hours in my schedule, I want to have more surprise from the free time.

I am not sure what my host country’s behavour on “Individualism, monochronic time, and directions” parts. I will explore them when I am in the Netherlands.

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Political Structure

1. Constitutional monarchy but has not parliamentary system.

2. judicial restraint.

3. 6 parties.

4. Mark Rutte. Citizens of Netherlands do not support him completely because the act of decrease government budget. Internationally, people widely believed he did not do a good job of prevent Netherlands affected by European debt crisis.

5. Christen-Democratisch Appel, Partij van de Arbeid and Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie.

6. Congress.

7. Not recently, but in the history. Because the World War I and World War II, industiral revolution, economics crisis.

8. In the theory, the Queen has right to nominate government membership. In fact, usually depend elect to select membership of coalition government.

9. 2014

10. Capitalism.

11. Not too much. The policy of tax for Ministry of Water Resources.

12. Through Advisory Committee.

13. Through Sociaal Economische Raad(SER).

14. Polls every year for citizens’ opinion of their government’s job.

15. 9.oo

16. The highest national committee.

17. Vey well.

18. There are more than 1,200 volunteers who come from the rest world go to Netherlands to help cultivate plant or do other agricultural works every year. There are more than 4,000 Dutchs go to other countries as volunteers every year.

19. Netherlands: Prince Johan Friso ‘slightly conscious’




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Academic expectation

First of all, it is true that most European countries university’s tuition is lower than the price of the average tuition for a university in the U.S.A. I checked my host university’s tuition for next semester, it is less $500 than here, my residence and eating fees are still cheaper than in the U.S. All of these phenomenons interpret that American studetns paid more than European students for their academic, therefore Americans deserve more salaries than Europeans, additionally, with the rise of tuition, the salaries and jobs should be better. However, the fact dose not like what we imagined.

As one of the student in this video states: it can not guarantee that every studentcan can get a satisfied job after graduate. This is the most pity thing, after student wrote 42 pages paper, 500 emails, read 8 books per semester, the results may no job. In Amsterdam university of Applies Science’s Economics and Management department, students do not need to finish 42 pages paper and 8 books each semester, but they need to pass 2 tests and read 3 books or write 5 pages paper each semester, the different discipline’s require may a factor causes this big gap between Kansas State University and my host university, however, we still can find the different academic pressure between European and U.S.

Actually, the another reason makes the sudent in Amsterdan University of Applied Science have less homework is they focus on “practical application” more, in other words, students spend more studing time on apply the knowledge learned from textbooks to real life. Students indeed need improve their actual operation ability to enhance possibility for a good job. Students in this video did not mention any chance of practice knowledges, they spend their spare time to watch TV. or play. The average time per week that Amsterdam University of Applied Science students spend for apply their knowledge learned from text book is 5 hours.

After summary above informations, I want to go to exchange at Amsterdam University of Applied Science more, because I think I really need to practice those knowledge in my brain but not stay in calss room or library do my homeworks. Hence, I will expect more outdoor class opportunities and activities, if there are some companies which can supply intership to me is better.


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Immigrant experience

Part I:

I am a Chinese who come from Cheng(Central city of southwestern China).

My name is Huasiyuan Liu. The reason that my parents give me this name is because they want me know requite those people who helped me. This tells others that I am a son of Liu’s family.

I would like to choose Suart as my new name. I want to be rich, noble and powerful equals to Suart royal court.

I am born in Leshan city, Sichuan provence. I come from Wenjiang district,Chengdu.

My mother’s side grandparents come from Gansu provence(northwestern China), my father’s side grandparents come from Heilongjiang provence(northeaster China).

My nationality is Chinese.

I speak mandarin Chinese or Sichuan dialect at home.

My neighborhood of cause still Chinese, they are ethic Han.

My parents will bought a birthdaycake for me and invited few my closest friends, host a party or play games together with me. Both my parents and my friends bring a gift for me.

It depends, if the holiday is short, such as National Day, Middle autumn Festival or Qinming Festival, my parents and me should stay at home. If the long holiday, like the Chinese new year, we may travel to other cities or visit families.

My mother’s steamed egg in every moring before I go to school.

My mother is my favorite relatives.

My favorite food is SIchuan cuision!!!

I think my ethnic traits is the talent of mathematics.

Part II:

In 1989, Netherlands population is only 14,900,000, however, in 2011, Netherlands population already rapid increased to 16,700,000. More than 80% enhancive population is immigrant. Until 2011, the demographic density is 397 per km², Netherlands is one of the the countries with the highest population density in the world. Ethic Dutch is a very kind and friendly race, it did not make any barriers to stop the immigrant, netherlands’ government now just promote the scale of immigrate to Netherlands. The main push factors of Dutch leave their country are job, family and retirement. People will leave Netherlands if he or she gets an abroad job. The marriage will push people leave country to live with their husbands or wives. Also, reirement encourage elders immigrate to a place which has more comfortable environment. The main pull factors which pursue people from other countries immigrate to Netherlands are welfare system, human rights, opportunities for jobs and education. Because Netherldnas is one of the world’s most developed country, people who live in poor and developing countries want to change their life, make their quality of life higher, also, sometimes Netherlands supply more opportunities for people’s career development. All these reasons above encourage people immigrate to Netherlands.



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Family and social structure–James

I think the Dutch undergraduate students’ daily life will be more relax but hectic than my study abraod life in U.S.A. I searched a student’s blog who study in Netherlands, his name is James. Normally, he like get up at 8am every weekdays’ morning, reading the newspaper when haing the breakfast. 

Image James’ calss often begin aroun 10 or 10:30am and end at 12 or 12:30pm,his major is English and history, so he needs a ton of time to read hia historical or classical books. Here, it dose not like my American study life, on Monday, wensday or Friday, my class is begin at 9:30 or sometimes 8:45am, on Tuesday or thursday, i need to work study at College Theatre by 9:00am.

During the noon, especially after lunch, James will take a nap, he needs to rest before the afternoon class begin, however, it depends, three days a week, James do not have afternoon class. At these more relax afternoon, he usually find a Cafe and chat whith a few friends. Form me, I need to study or practice violin even I do not have class in the afternoon, normally, I will go to the library to do my homework or review.

James used to have dinner from 5 or 5:30pm to 7 or 7:30pm. After dinner, using his words, he will play “experimental gaming (bonus points to those who know what that is)” or go to the bar(we can guess for waht) hang out with friends until late night, then back to his own apertment to go to sleep.

Other thins which James still interesting are photogaphy, dringking tea and outdoor activities(especially bicycle).  H ethink the most exciting event during a week is the club night every Friday night, he and his friends will particpate one of Amsterdam’s famous club, diffrent clubs every week.

I think Netherldans, especially Amsterdam has an advansed and convenience public transportation system. It has four subway line, two railroad(Europass & Benelux) trains and so many public bus lines. Still, Amsterdam has canal bus, it is a good choice if people want to go to work fast but also can enjoy the beautiful scene.

James describes that people in Netherlands are very kind, they do not like using flowers language, they always a little honesty, or frankly, but do not including and kind of critical meaning. If a Dutch point out that there is leaves wedged between your teeth, he or she only wants to help you perform more perfectly but not laugh to you.

James wants to go to work after he got the bachelor degree, he do not stress himself so heavy, maybe he will back to campus to get the master degree after he worked two or three years.






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